
KBD, Will assist you in choosing the ideal business legal structure and practical form for your type of business; through specialized and delicate studies and deep researches, which takes into account geopolitical conditions, market size and elasticity, Work volume and potential development. And coordinate them to suit the company’s aspirations and objectives.


KBD, is offering downsizing services not only in organizational size and geographical coverage. But also in the case of a merger or an acquisition. 

The major purpose of downsizing is to lower the operating costs implemented by the upper management in order to maintain profitability and improve organizational efficiency, productivity, and / or the competitiveness of the organization.



KBD, is your practical guide to launch new business, product or service or even to open new markets. Whether you are a service provider or a product manufacturer and even a seller, regardless of its type and size.

We rely on market studies for business environment and on experimenting the business itself to assess its profitability. We also provide legal and administrative support to take care of all the required documents and declarations to bring this business to light.


If you have an existing commercial activity and you would like to expand it and go internationally.
KBD, facilitates your access to new markets that allow you to gain a greater number of customers and achieve higher profitability through careful studies of market feasibility, working environment, competitors, prevailing laws and regulations and market stability.

Or even if you are intending to enlarge your business size, market share and profitability domestically. KBD, will help you to target new segments, acquire new customers and maintain the loyalty of your current customers. Through innovative solutions, surveys, field researches, customer’s feedback and opinions, promotions, customer service, packing, product amendment and creating new distribution channels.
We can also plan and implement strategic and action plans for vertical and horizontal integration for all types of business.



we reorganize the legal, ownership and operational structures of our clients; for the purpose of making more profits, or better organized structure to meet the present needs.

Corporate restructuring entails any fundamental change in a company like business domain, company composition and aspirations. Restructuring is designed to increase the company’s value to shareholders or creditor. It can be driven by a need for change in the organizational structure or business model of a company.
KBD, uses the restructuring techniques in the following scenarios:

  • Mergers / Amalgamation.
  • Acquisition and Takeover.
  • Divestiture.
  • Demerger (spin off / split up / split off)
  • Reduction of Capital.
  • Joint Ventures.
  • Buy back of Securities.